Feature one: Highlight objects hovered by the mouse

Description: When a gameobject that is spawned in by the user is hovered over by the user’s mouse, it will turn green. Otherwise, the game object will revert back to its default material.

Input: User moves mouse and hovers over object

Output: GameObject material color turns green

Feature Two: Toggle RigidBody

Description: The user is able to use a toggle switch which will decide if the spawned object will have the RigidBody component or not. With a RigidBody, the spawned objects will have some physics and fall and interact with the ramp inside of the scene.

Input: Left Click the “Spawn with RigidBody” toggle

Output: All objects spawned will have a RigidBody

Feature Three: Rotate on KeyDown

Description: This feature allows the user to press space to set the rotation of every spawned in object to a random vector3.

Input: Press “SpaceBar” Key

Output: All spawned objects will have their rotation changed to whatever the randomized vector is. 

Feature Four: Object Mass Slider

Description: This slider UI element will only appear to the user if the “Spawn with RigidBody” toggle is on. The user is able to manipulate the mass of the object within the RigidBody by using the slider. The slider ranges from 1 to 5.

Input: Left Click and drag the slider.

Output: Mass of the object is changed to the user’s input

Feature Five: Clock

Description: This clock displays real time using animated hour, minute, and seconds arms.

Input: No user input, clock starts as game starts and updates itself

Output: Displays time

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